Homeopathy for pregnancy, birth & post-partum

Our homeopathy for pregnancy course covers homeopathic remedies and flower essences for everything from morning sickness to anaemia, preparing for labour, labour itself, healing the mother’s body after delivery, breastfeeding problems and weaning. The course runs for 12 hours over 6 weeks (2 hours per week), and is given live on zoom, so there’s plenty of opportunity for questions.


Next 6 week course begins: Saturday 1st March 2025 4-6pm (GMT). Course calendar.

Please contact us if you’re not paying the full fee.

Course calendar

The Mother and Baby course is available on the following dates:

  1. Saturday 1st March 2025, at 4-6pm (GMT) for six consecutive weeks.

Homeopathy for pregnancy – course content

The course content is roughly as follows:

Session 1:

Introductions; the Pregnancy Programme – using Tissue Salts throughout pregnancy; remedies for morning sickness

Principles: What do the numbers mean? An explanation of potency

A cuttlefish, the ink of which is used as a homeopathic remedy for morning sickness


Sepia: derived from Cuttlefish ink, Sepia is widely used for morning sickness

Session 2:

Remedies and flower essences for emotional changes in pregnancy, digestive and ligament problems and preparation for labour

Principles: Remedy ‘pictures’, symptoms, individualising, taking your own case

Bellis perennis

Bellis perennis: for ligament problems in the final stages of pregnancy

Session 3:

Choosing a remedy kit; initiating delayed labour; remedies for labour

Principles: Repetition and dosage

A bunch of yellow Caulophyllum flowers a remedy of which can be used  during labour


Traditionally used to ensure productive labour pains

Session 4:

Putting everything back together again; remedies and flower essences

Principles: Acute vs chronic: understanding the limits of home-prescribing

A drawing of Arnica which is widely used as a remedy for swelling during pregnancy


Arnica: our famous remedy for swelling, bruising and shock

Session 5:

Breastfeeding problems: mastitis, sore nipples, thrush, managing milk flow, weaning

Principles: Introduction to acute case-taking


Phytolacca: one of our most important mastitis remedies

Session 6:

The Baby: milk spots, colic; remedies and flower essences; Q & A


Pulsatilla: a great remedy for times of change; commonly used to balance emotions

Course overview

Our Homeopathy for pregnancy course is designed to meet the needs of pregnant women, their partners and women who are planning or trying for a pregnancy. You don’t need to know much (or indeed anything!) about homeopathy before doing this course – it is designed for the home-prescriber or for home prescribers and particularly for beginners at prescribing. However, those who have some knowledge already will find plenty of new material and stimulating ideas here.

The course is given ‘live’ on zoom, at a fixed time each week for 6 weeks – each session being two hours long. Plenty of time is allowed for questions and for the student group to exchange knowledge and ideas. A part of each session is devoted to learning something of basic homeopathic principles, so that you’ll understand more about the background of homeopathy, how remedies are made, how to choose a potency and repetition system and so on. The final session is more flexible than the others and based around the group’s specific needs. Your teacher will have many years of experience as a homeopath and teacher, and also of dealing with the common problems of pregnancy.

Course materials

You will need to buy some remedies – this might be in the form of a kit, or it might mean supplementing your existing stock of homeopathic remedies with some new ones which are specific to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding and not commonly used in everyday family healthcare. Birthing kits are available from Helios.co.uk (Childbirth kit, containing 18 remedies in 200c potency + booklet) and Ainsworths.com (Mother and Child Kit, containing 42 remedies in 30 and 200c potencies + booklet).

A complete set of illustrated notes is provided and will be emailed out to you before the course begins. Ideally, you should print off this Handbook and have it near you during the sessions. Before each class, try to read through the notes and be ready to take your own notes during the live session. Each session is recorded, so if you miss one, you can catch up. The recordings are deleted when the group disbands after 6 weeks.

Study aims

After completing this course you should feel confident in selecting an appropriate homeopathic remedy or flower essence for a common problem in pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.

You should have a basic understanding of the homeopathic approach to illness, how remedies are made and work and how to choose a potency and repetition system.


If in doubt, always call your surgery, speak to a midwife or ring NHS 111 for advice or consultation. Becoming a confident and capable home-prescriber of homeopathy does not equip you to diagnose illness or to charge for your services or for remedies.


The Mother and Baby course costs £95.00 (includes notes). Bring a friend with you (to the same course) and you both get a great reduction, bringing the price down to £80.00 for each of you.